As we are wrapping up Boulder Startup Week 2016 we have some awesome stats on our event and community.
- 8450 attendees
- 203 events
- 421 speakers
- 71 venues
- 41 is the average age of a BSW participant
- 42% of participants are female
- 44% of speakers are female
- 44% of participants are married
- 38% of participants have kids
- 71% of participants own a home
- The NPS score was 60
It is super interesting how high the stats are. 8450 is a massive number for a town of 100k people. The average age is higher than the stereotype of what a founder looks like. The participation of female attendees and speakers is much higher than the national average and is close to being representative of the community as a whole (not industry specific), which has been a focus. This is because of the hard work of a community that just a few years ago had less than 10% participation. The NPS of 60 is something we are extremely proud of.