Boulder Startup Week is all about connecting and growing the startup community. What better partner than Gloo, which is all about engaging, connecting, and growing the community mentality within companies? Especially when two of our long-time volunteers believe in the company enough to work there, we know it’s the real deal. We’re so happy to have Gloo as the sponsor of the Work with a Purpose track for BSW17!
Gloo develops customized cloud-based software solutions to help companies bring their employees closer together and collaborate better, while achieving measurable results. The company is bursting at the seams as they look to rapidly grow as they continue to gain customer traction across the US and globally. They’re taking over office spaces west of the Pearl Street Mall, and have lots of open positions to fill right here in Boulder.
Gloo recently gave Boulder Startup Week a little social media love with a blog post about their involvement with BSW17. Gloo employees and BSW track captains, Trish Groom and Nico Valencia, organized four events for the new Work with a Purpose track this year:
- Tuesday 5/16: Companies That Start with Purpose
- Also Wednesday: BSW Basecamp Happy Hour Sponsored by Gloo!
- Thursday 5/18: B Corp Taco Truck Happy Hour

Welcome to the BSW family, Gloo. We hope you’ll continue your upward trajectory as you help your customers grow!