Get Involved with Boulder Startup Week

Volunteer Opportunities for BSW 2025

Boulder Startup Week runs on a community effort to make our wonderful place more inclusive, welcoming, and innovative.

Our 2025 volunteer opportunities include:

  • Week-of logistics and operations help
  • Behind-the-scenes marketing and website/tech updates
  • Venue and sponsorship sourcing and relationship building
  • Planning larger-format evening events
  • Securing in-kind donations (donations of coffee, snacks, tshirts, etc.)

Interested in volunteering?

Please fill out the form below to apply for volunteer opportunities.

(If you’re looking to speak/facilitate a session at BSW, that form will be available on the lower half of this page soon. An email will go out when the form is live.)

Session/Event Facilitation Opportunities for BSW 2025

Boulder Startup Week runs on a community effort to make our space more inclusive, welcoming, and innovative. We encourage and welcome diverse presenters, topics, and formats. BSW on its own is simply the container to bring together great programming all week, and we rely on folks like you to fill that container – to showcase and serve this awesome town and startup ecosystem.

The call for session facilitators is now open and will remain open until April 1, 2025. We would love to hear the kinds of sessions you imagine possible at BSW.

What We Are Looking For

We prioritize sessions that offer distinctive value to our Boulder startup ecosystem. Show us how you plan to share your expertise with our entrepreneurial community. We look forward to learning how your perspective can help our founders succeed on a global scale while leveraging our unique local advantages.

It could be:
  • an activity, demo, workshop, etc.
  • indoor/outdoor
  • a novel take on community-building
  • real-life founder experiences
  • requiring audience participation
  • simply a world-class talk
  • and so much more!
Our session focus areas include:
  • Opportunities for spontaneous & meaningful connection
  • Helping people get real work done/workshops
  • Community-building

What is a session facilitator?

A session facilitator is the individual in charge of the specific session (usually 45 min, but tell us if you need more time, like an evening networking session) who will drive a given session/event/activity. We get you the space and bring the audience, and you are responsible for everything else that happens in the room in your time slot. Facilitators are not paid (no one is at BSW).

This year we will continue to be at multiple venues but still have limited capacity for sessions – so please make sure you highlight the value you can bring to the community when submitting your ideas.

Anyone can be a session facilitator – just fill out this form by April 1 with all the requested info (all the details really help us – a 100% volunteer group of dedicated community members – figure out the most efficient and effective way to serve our community). We will notify selected facilitators by April 15, 2025.

2025 Session Submission Form